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Make sure to visit "TOOLS & STUFF" under the ABOUT menu item, to visit my BLOG, where you will find things like a Project Budget Calculator automated form, as well as resources to download (3d models, cliparts, etc).

[vc_empty_space height="24px"] Oscar Blanco.
Heredia, Costa Rica [vc_empty_space height="0px"] OscarMultipro (Skype) [vc_empty_space height="15px"] I would love it if you stop by to say "hi", or "thanks" (if you have use for any of the free stuff), or simply follow me on my Social Media platforms. [vc_empty_space height="2px"]




product LABELS

Part of a branding Package, product Presentation—whether for wholesale or retail—is one of the main reasons customers approach a Graphic Artist for solutions.

If a product is not appealing, doesn’t stand out from the competition, or fails to target the specific demographic outlined in the client’s marketing strategy, even the best product in a market niche will struggle. Sales won’t improve, production won’t scale, and profit growth will stall.

Labels don’t need to be “pretty”, nor must they follow the latest design trends. Novice designers often fall into the trap of designing for themselves rather than for the client’s goals. Designers are inherently driven by EGO, but it’s dangerous to prioritize trends over purpose. Failing to design with the brand and its objectives in mind undermines the core principle of providing professional services: creating a functional and effective representation of the client’s company that drives placement and sales.

Design Beyond Trends

While evolution and CHANGE are necessary, adapting to trends must never contradict the brand’s identity, the demographic’s expectations, or the established style and perception the company has built over years—even decades—of product and BRAND PLACEMENT. Blindly following trends can erode the value of this foundation, risking disruption to a carefully cultivated market presence.

This principle applies to both established and NEW brands. A well-executed design must respect the nuances of the target market niche while considering modern design standards without compromising the brand’s integrity.

LEARN about your Client’s business

To create effective product presentations, we must understand the client’s business, their market segment, and their competition. LISTEN to the client, document project requirements, and only then consider how design trends can fit into their specific goals.

This approach might lead to product designs that don’t appeal to everyone—designs that could even be considered unconventional or unattractive. But if they align with the brand’s objectives and effectively communicate its message to the right audience, they will succeed.

Balancing Passion and Professionalism

Passion fuels creativity, but we must separate our feelings from the work. Novice designers often take feedback personally when clients say, “I don’t like it.” Such remarks are often instinctive rather than technical. Clients may lack the language to articulate their concerns but are reacting to a design they believe won’t fulfill its purpose. Clients know their brand’s needs better than anyone, and it’s our job to LISTEN and present solutions backed by thoughtful, data-driven rationale.

A clear, consultative approach ensures that clients understand the decisions behind the design, making them more receptive to our work. While revisions and changes are inevitable, following a structured process and seeking approvals at every stage can lead to a successful final product—one that satisfies the client and enriches our portfolios.

The Result: Customer Loyalty

A satisfied client often becomes a loyal one. It’s incredibly rewarding when a client returns, telling us their product has been flying off the shelves since implementing our designs.

*Side Note: This gallery also showcases my 3D modeling and rendering skills <wink>.

P.S. If you ever wonder HOW MUCH to charge for a FREELANCE project like this, check out my “Project Budget Calculator“. It can provide a helpful reference for pricing your work.



Oscar Blanco.




3D, Branding, Label Design